Traveling the Sensory Road, part 3

When you learn everything you can about a subject and study it, people are energetically attracted to that knowledge. I found this when I studied breastfeeding medicine and became a La Leche League Leader and postpartum doula. I also found that other parents started coming to me for advice about their sensitive kids, when my second baby was three.

I wanted to offer this information to parents in a way that was understandable, but I knew I needed to know more and see more. When I started doing energy work, it wasn't really clear to me how my sensory kid practice would evolve. I started teaching a sensory kids class for parents who were looking for the knowledge they needed to help their kids.

One of the first parents that came helped me flesh out and describe what was happening with kids' energy fields who are sensitive. Normally an energy field is four layers thick with a boundary around the outside that helps modulate sensory input. Kids who are hypersensitive have a very thin boundary around their energy fields. 

Kids who are hyposensitive have very thick boundaries around their energy fields, and are able to block out sensory stimulation. We confirmed that many kids modulate between these two energies, hypersensitive and hyposensitive, over the course of a day, depending on how much stimulation they get and what environment they are in.

Over time we started to talk about and integrate sensory sensitivities with energetic gifts that some of these kids have. Some are empathic, and some have abilities that are called clairs. It's my understanding that hypersensitive kids are more open to the spiritual realm because of their energetic boundary. Many of my kid clients have a sensory gift, and as I looked back, many of the kids (and parents) I had helped with sensory sensitivities had gifts as well.

Some of these kids have the ability to sense what their parents are feeling, or thinking. They are open in the mental part of their energy field and in their upper energy centers. Some of them are feelers, the emotional part of their energy field and their heart and belly energy centers are strongest. These kids are called clairaudient and clairsentient, respectively.

I have met kids who are clairvoyant, and can see the energy field on other people and into different dimensions while they sleep. Honoring and nurturing these gifts often helps kids make sense of what they are feeling and seeing, and helps their parent see their abilities in a positive light. For example, I met a little five year old boy with autism who completely understood the nature of consciousness and energy.

I teach kids how their energy centers and energy field works, how to protect it, how to release energy when they have too much, how to ground their energy, and how to protect themselves at night. Kids with sensitivities readily feel energy with their hands. Energy work based on sensory sensitivities can empower a child to modulate his own energy and is a coping skill that can make a significant difference in how he interacts at school and at home.

It's my belief that kids who are sensory sensitive are very special kids. They often communicate in different ways than we are used to energetically. What looks different on the outside can be a gift. Part of what I do is helping parents understand sensitivities and connect with their kids in a whole new way.

My modality Energy Integration Therapy is a complementary addition to other treatments that sensitive kids receive, such as acupressure and acupuncture, chiropractic, ABA therapy, diet treatments, homeopathy, herbal remedies, sensory integration therapy, occupational and speech therapy, and medical treatments. I offer EIT to sensitive children and adults. 

To learn more contact me at 407.205.8450 or attend my Sensory Kids Workshop March 6-8 at Elevate Yoga Studio.


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