Business Secrets

What are the secrets of success?

There are a few things I've learned along the way that I'd like to share.

Your ideas are valid.
My current business started with a seed idea in 2010. I knew I wanted to expand on what I was doing with friends, offering readings and distance healing, to in-person sessions. I didn't know how. I often put myself down for having this idea. My negative self-talk got the best of me and I put my ideas in a box. It took the validation of several friends, and then a business mentor, to change my mind.

It's ok to be a beginner.
No one wants to look like they don't know what they're doing. But what about when you don't? Asking for help is humbling, but is often an important step in the process of growing a new business. Seasoned business owners are often happy to share what it took them to get started, help brainstorm ways to expand, and encourage newbies. (And if they're not, find someone who is.)

Know your market.
My first business grew by word of mouth. I only needed business cards, a network, and to put myself out there at expos. I was a postpartum doula, and that was how it was done. Someone vouched for you, and referred you to birth clients.

Energy medicine is a bit different. Researching your competition is a valuable way to learn how your field is presented, what other people do that works, and how you will fit in the market. Each market is different, and knowing what to offer and how to do it is half the battle.

Don't be afraid to network.
Networking can be intimidating, but it is one of the most valuable tools to get what you do out into the spotlight. Other business owners want to know what you do, and why you do it. Going to networking meetings and learning to sell yourself is a great way to build self-confidence and hone your message. It's also a great way to make friends.

Find your niche.
What do you offer that other people don't? What makes you special? At first it might feel egotistical to say that you're the only person who offers a special service, but if you are that person, put it out there! Don't be afraid to specialize. Don't do what everyone else does- stand out.

Get out of your own way.
A lot of business owners are prey to their own thinking and their own doubts. Part of owning a business is conquering your negative ideas about yourself. Positive self talk and a mentor or accountability person in your corner are essential ways to get out of your own head and into growing a business you love.

It's ok to make mistakes.
People often forget this. Is something you're offering not working? Does it need tweaking, revamping, or eliminating altogether? One of the keys to success is to find out what doesn't work. Sometimes this happens the hard way, and that's ok. Excessive perfectionism will give you nothing but a headache, and is not a way to grow.

Expand, and then contract.
Say yes to your new ideas, ventures, and offerings. The Universe always supports expansion and growth. However, it also supports contraction. Trimming the fat, honing in, and streamlining what works, are ways to allow your business to flow. You want a business that you love to run, not a business that runs you.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Is your business running smoothly and you're making money? Yes? Then let it! At this stage a lot of business owners get back into their own heads and try to convince themselves that they're not worth the money they're making. This is called self-sabotage. If your mentor or accountability partner can call you on this one, they're worth their weight in gold.

Keep growing.
Owning a business means continually growing into a newer, better version of yourself. Conquering your fears, moving forward, and refusing to stagnate are requirements here. I'm amazed at some of the things I've been able to accomplish. I built two websites, learned business accounting, how to set up an email system, and had amazing mentors teach me branding, marketing, and all of the little details that make my ideas successful. I am definitely not the same person I was five years ago, when I was dreaming up my business. I'm definitely glad I am where I am.

Support others.
Share what works. Support other local businesses. Believe it or not, their success is your success. This is one new-age idea that is definitely true. We are all connected, and hard work that leads to success is contagious. It grows other businesses andother people's confidence. And mentoring is a great way to help others get where you are now.

I'm currently mentoring three business owners and am happy to pay forward the amazing support I receive from my mentors. Email me to find out more.


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