How Does Energy Healing Work?

Intuitive Consulting is a consult to discover core issues that prevent complete healing of body, mind, and spirit.  These issues come to the surface after 30-45 minutes of discussion.  
Katie traces overall patterns that link pieces of your journey together, and will create a Connected Wellness Plan for you, which outlines steps to take for health, harmony, and healing.
There are four energy layers around the body, the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual or astral layer.  
Traumas, pain, and other physical, emotional, and spiritual issues cause blocked or stagnant energy to form and get stuck in the energy field.
Katie follows the wisdom of her hands in Energy Healing.  She works above the body in the Energy field unless there is a physical issue, where she uses light touch.  
Clients lie comfortably on a massage table, fully clothed during treatments.
Energy Clearing moves blocked or stagnant energy though the layers of the energy field.  Chakras (energy centers) and meridians (energy lines) are cleared using chelation, pain drains, and other techniques.  
Chakras and meridians are connected and balanced after clearing.
Back techniques are used on the spine, and minor chakras around the spine and joints can be cleared.  If there is a physical problem that requires working directly on the body, Energy Healing is focused on that area.
A treatment takes 30-45 minutes to complete. 
Energy Clearing can take up to 48 hours, and clients are encouraged to drink water while energies continue to release out of the body.
Typical sensations felt are vibrations, coolness, magnetic pull, warmth, and release.  It's not unusual for the person receiving the energy to fall asleep during the session. Most clients report a feeling of relaxation and peace after sessions.
A possible side effect of Energy Healing would be similar to detox.  Some clients feel as though they are coming down with a cold, or feel the need to rest more.  These symptoms are usually mild and last for a short period of time. 


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