The Heart Center

When I worked as a cardiac nurse, the hustle and bustle of the unit was my life. I loved the constant movement, challenge, and learning every day. Patients were in and out for angiograms, ablations, stents, pacemakers, AICDs, and angioplasty . I also worked with general medical-surgical patients, but cardiac patients were by far my favorite. The heart is the most amazing organ, the most resilient in all of our body systems. Patients would come back from procedure better than before and be able to go home the next day.

I started as a nurse tech, watching the cardiac monitors for the nurses. The hearthas certain rhythms that it follows, and changes are detectible immediately on the monitor. Although, sometimes, the monitors didn't give a clear picture and show arrhythmias when the patient was perfectly fine, or the patient would be in distress and the monitor wasn't showing it. Our motto was, "Watch the patient, not the monitor".

In Lynne McTaggart's book The Intention Experiment she talks about Heart Math and their research into the intuition of the heart. They found that the heart senses and receives information before the brain does, and then communicates it to the brain. The heart sends neurotransmitters, or chemicals that communicate, to the brain that influence higher thought.

I have found this working with people and their Energy systems. The heart tells a clear story about the person I am working with, which can contrast what their external "monitor" shows. We can spend a lot of energy covering up what the heartknows, but like the patient who is in distress and the monitor shows that he is fine, the heart doesn't lie.

So what makes a healthy heart center? If you had asked my hospital patients, they would have said less stress, more free time, and the ability to change things in their lives that seemed unchangeable. If you ask my clients, I think they would say the same thing. The heart is the center of intuition and knows and speaks to us about the direction we want our lives to take. It houses our deep inner voice. We can trust its resilience and ability to lead us down the path we most want to take.


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