Open Doors

From Katie Martinez, RN, BSN, CHTP/A, Reiki Master
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What do you do with an open door? Walk through it, right? Many times in life we question the doors that open for us, the ones that close behind us, and the ones that are closed before we get there. In the past year many doors have opened for me, but you may not know about the ones that closed.

I got really excited in the summer of 2013 when I was looking for a space to practice Healing Touch and Reiki. At least five people offered their spaces to help me out, some for a fee, some for trade, some for free. I tried out one space but it didn't work well for my client load, which was mostly trades at the time. I was getting a little worried, then a friend told me about the purple building on Plant Street.

I stopped over there and the owner, Kim, said she had a room that she was just about to rent, and in two weeks that space became my office. That door seemed to open at just the right time. I love my space.

In October I wrote my website and was figuring out the services I would offer. I was also writing a Reiki I and II class and was really excited to start teaching. A fellow Reiki Master suggested that I make sure I was ready to teach, because I had just been attuned to Master in August and she wanted to be sure I was prepared.

I planned a class for December that didn't work out, and then one for February that fizzled before it got started, and was beginning to wonder what the energy block was that kept me from teaching. I have asked God for things, prayed for things, since I was a kid. The answers usually come in a form of "Yes", "Not Now", or "I have something better for you".

This time, however, the doors were closed and the answer was, "No", "None of the above" and, "You're just not ready". This was confusing because I have often been fast-tracked to leadership positions in my career. I was made a charge nurse six months after graduating from nursing school, and a clinical manager a year after starting one of my other nursing jobs.

I didn't understand what was coming. In March and April after my Healing Touch 4 class my schedule picked up quite a bit and my client load was full. I started networking and meeting more people, and as my practice developed, so did my abilities as a healer.

The neat thing about Healing Touch and Reiki is that the Universal energy is flowing through the healer as she is working on the client. Any blocks in the practitioner are released into the Earth to be absorbed. I also began to add in Healing Touch to my daily Reiki on myself, and was able to release some old patterns that were holding me back.

In May I went back to CommUnity Center 729 to drop off some more business cards. This door was open. Trish said that she had been looking for someone to teach Reiki, someone who could do Master attunements. I was ready to teach, and the door was open. We scheduled Reiki I and II for August and September.

When August rolled around, I had a full roster of students, new materials, and a space to share what I had learned. My first class was amazing! It was like leading a meeting, teaching a patient, and counseling a friend all in one. And I got to know 11 amazing people. I got great feedback from them, and sent 11 people out into the world to spread the Reiki energy!

I just taught my third Reiki class and the process has been amazing. Each time I learn more about myself, the Reiki energy, my students, and add in what I learn as a practitioner. I'd love for you to join me.


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