Making connections

What do your connections look like? There are several ways connections or cords between people form and attach. The illustration shows one way, cords that are anchored in the heart. Cords can form anywhere on the body, but the most frequent places are the heart, solar plexus or middle abdomen, and tummy area. The solar plexus is our power and will center, and the tummy houses the sacral chakra, which is our creativity, sexuality, and procreation center.

When we're talking to someone, our conversation forms cords between us and the other person. When we are in relationship with someone or are attached through family bonds, these cords are more established and tighter.

Cords can be negative, dark, black, or frayed, or positive, light, and colorful, depending on the way the two people attached at either end interact. We all form these cords, as part of our soul's evolution and journey. Clearing or cutting cords are two ways to reframe and remake the connections between two people. Cords can be cleared with light or an angel protector like Archangel Michael can cut them. Cords to people we have significant relationships with will reattach. Some cords we carry through our whole lives, and some fall away when relationships end.

Learning to work with cords is helpful in understanding why we are where we are in our lives and relationships. As an intuitive, my strongest senses see ConnectionEnergy, and one of the modalities I offer is cord cutting and clearing during a Reiki session. Pair this with relationship dynamics readings, and you have a powerful way to enact positive change in your life right now!


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