Reiki II

What is Reiki II?

Reiki Two is the second level of Reiki. It's not simply a step up from the primary attunement that students get in Reiki One. An attunement is a ritual where a student is aligned with the Reiki Ray, or Divine Reiki energy. Attunement to Reiki One allows the student to use Reiki energy for self-care and for healing others, animals, and plants. Balancing your own energy daily has great mental and emotional benefits.

Attunement to Reiki Two is another step up the Divine energy ladder, and allows the student to begin healing the mental and emotional energy bodies, which are part of our energy system. The mental and emotional bodies carry our memories and consciousness. Reiki Two opens a pathway for the student to heal old karma, heal their consciousness, and heal long-standing physical and spiritual issues.

The added benefit of Reiki Two is distance healing. Students learn to send Reiki at a distance to others, learn to visualize the recipient, and attune to the energy that allows powerful healing to be sent long-distance. This type of healing is very similar to sending prayers or good energy to someone, with the additional ability to see or sense how the energy is working for the recipient.

Have you taken Reiki One? Please consider joining me for Reiki II. Read Praise from my students here.


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