Spiritual Resources for Sensory Sensitive Kids

In the past two years, I have had the privilege of working with 25 sensory sensitive kids. These kids are more sensitive to energy and express it in a number of ways. Their sensitivities make them more open to energy and also more able to learn to use it- they feel it more strongly, are able to learn energetic protection for their energy fields, and are able to easily integrate energy movement into their daily lives. 

I've worked with all ages, from a 4 year old boy with Autism to a 35 year old woman with Asperger Syndrome. I find working with kids (and adults) on the spectrum very rewarding, because they tend to be spiritually gifted in many ways. The little four year old already understood all of our layers of consciousness, and my 35 year old client had extensive knowledge of past lives and energetic relationships.

I've created a new site and new offerings for Sensory Sensitive Kids, and will be rolling them out in the next week. Keep an eye on your inbox for an email from SensorySensitiveKids.com. I look forward to serving sensitive kids in a more expansive way, and thank you for your support.


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