Are you on the hook?

The holidays are coming up, and you may be preparing to spend time with family, friends, or relatives that you don't see very often. The inevitable questions come up whenever we see them, asking how we are, what we're doing with our lives, and have we met certain milestones yet, like having a baby or getting married. Some of us are less than pleased with our interactions with them, because the questions can include negativity or judgment.

The image above is taken from Barbara Brennan's Book Light Emerging. She spent years studying human interaction and psychological issues and the way they look in the energy field. She also studied the way people's energy fields interact. When relatives or friends ask us questions like these, they hook us with energetic streamers that usually connect with our hearts, our solar plexus (power center), or sacral (belly) chakras. The hooks in the picture are streamers that are created in a conversation, where they are being blocked by the receiver.

If we're hooked, especially with negativity, these streamers or cords can appear much larger, and actually hook into our chakras and pull toward the person who originated them. People who are negative or critical can literally pull energy through these cords into themselves. Long-term negativity can seep into our consciousness and repeat itself in a loop in our minds, for example, "I'll never be good enough for her", or "will what I'm doing with my life ever please him", etc.

Letting yourself off the hook means sensing these streamers and allowing them to release from your chakras or anywhere in your energy field where they attach. It's especially important to detach these hooks if you have negativity that originated from someone else repeating itself in your mind like a loop. 

It's really as simple as sensing them, however you see them in your mind's eye, and releasing them. The next step is being aware when someone hooks you again with the same questions, or realizing when their negativity has left you drained and deflated. It's especially helpful during the holidays to set an intention to deflect these hooks and maintain peace in your body and mind.

I've used these methods with clients and they really work! I am offering three session Holiday packages for stress and anxiety relief, pain relief, and sleeplessness. To book call 407-205-8450 or email me.

I wish you a peaceful, harmonious holiday season.


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